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New Themes Avaialable

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Hello everyone,




I've installed a few new themes to give everyone a little variety in choices while visiting our website. Gaming websites in general usually have darker themes, which usually works well. But I got a bit tired of the darker theme. Sometimes I'm in the mood for brighter themes and other times I change my mind. So, I've decided to install a few new themes for everyone to freely try.




They are:




  • Engraved
  • Executive 2

The T.W.A.T. default is called Deviant. You may switch themes at anytime by going to the bottom left-hand side of our website, clicking Change Theme and selecting a theme from the list of choices.




Please comment below on your favorite theme from that list. Personally, I prefer Executive 2.



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make deviant, engrave and executive with diff color schemes like red and black or purple and red or green and blue that way people have a choice between not just layout but colors as well. and the title of each will be something like engrave R/B (red and black) you should make atleast 3 of each i would do it myself but dont know how maybe you can show me via Team Viewer 



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To make all those different color schemes would be a huge pain. But I will consider it.


Thanks for your thoughts, Zonar :)



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is there a way i can do it for you to take that prob off your hands or is it a special software or something.



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Nah, it's coding so you probably wouldn't know how to do it :/



I'll do it when I've got some time. Thanks for your help though :)


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Sounds great :)



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