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Service Database 14

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I just want to note that the Service Database is being worked on as fast as possible and will be released in due time. There is one minor change however to the Service Database however that has taken place: a modification in the name. The new Service Database will be called Service Database 14 rather than Service Database 2014. It will, as before, come in two editions (or flavors): Professional and Professional Optimized Edition. The Professional: Beta Release Edition (pictured above) is essentially a beta version of the Professional Optimized Edition.


The picture above is a bit unclear as it has been majorly sized-down, but that's the general logo anyhow. If there are any further questions regarding the Service Database 14, don't hesitate to post here. default_smile.png


All the best.

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Re: Service Database 14


Excited for it! Just take your time. Don't be like EA and DICE and release the damn thing when it's only 25% finished. default_tongue.png


Not that you would do that anyhow. But yeah.

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