Christopher 1,393 Posted August 9, 2014 Share Posted August 9, 2014 The Los Santos Police Department serviced by the New Team of Weapons and Tactics has now officially begun accepting officer applications for the PC Network. As a preliminary note, this announcement is not an official statement that we will guarantee department support, which is unfortunately due to restrictive in-game mechanics employed by the game's developer, Rockstar Games. We will, however, be sure to exercise all possible, reasonable and legitimate methods for department operations to ensure a solid, stable and enjoyable experience for our members and the public, whom we serve for. [center:3qsxnwiw][/center:3qsxnwiw] General Details While we are recruiting and will be outlining procedures and other details for the PC Network, this does not suggest that we will not support the PlayStation Network. The only reason we are doing this process on the PC Network now is that the leader of this project, ClareXoBearrx3 (me) does not own the game for any other platform and all experimentation will performed when I purchase a copy of Grand Theft Auto V.[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] There will be a short Introductory Grace Period. Before any experimentation and/or testing begins, there will be a period, designed to allow members to progress through the GTA Online ranking system, so that they can purchase vehicles, weapons, ammunition, apartments or garages, and most importantly - money. The grace period will last anywhere from a minimum of two or three weeks to two months, at most.[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] Dispatch and other communications will be done through our TeamSpeak 3 server. This ensures premium-quality and secure communication and further reduces possible annoyances with other players, if we were to communicate via in-game means. Further, if public users wish to listen to dispatch, they may freely connect our TeamSpeak 3 server and join the appropriate dispatch channel(s). Regular users and guests will not be able to transmit while in dispatch channels, as only police personnel will have the clearance to do so. Certain dispatch channels, including those used by SWAT/NOOSE agents are restricted from the public altogether, for security reasons.[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] A full-fledged police database is planned and will be the works as soon as department support officially commences. As always, we will include our well-known database system in the Service Database. This will however be done only when department support.[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] As usual, we do not arrest or pursue for "petty" crimes. "Petty" crimes include things such as speeding, running red lights, etc. Instead, we primarily pursue those who cause havoc (such killing other players).[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] Requirements <ol style="list-style-type: decimal">[*]Must be at least 14 years of age. Ultimately, you need to be responsible and are expected to demonstrate professionalism when on-duty. Lastly, be prepared to follow orders if and when they are given.[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] [*]Must be able to fluently read, write and speak English. We welcome people from around the globe, but English is the primary language here at NTWT.[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] [*]Microphone or headset preferred, but not required. We will be using the Voice Over IP protocol via TeamSpeak 3 to communicate ( However, if you do not have a microphone or headset, you can resort to using the in-game text-chat feature that will most likely be included in the PC version of the game.[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] [*]Lastly (of course), a legitimate copy of Grand Theft Auto Online (included with Grand Theft Auto V).[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] </ol> How to Apply & Join <ol style="list-style-type: decimal">[*]Join the official NTWT Crew on Rockstar Games' Social Club at: ... ns_tactics.[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] [*]Register an account here on our Community Forums, unless you already have an account.[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] [*]Reply to this thread, indicating that you'd like to join the police department. Optionally, you can further introduce yourself to the community, though it is not required that do so. [/*:m:3qsxnwiw] [*]In your reply, be sure to indicate your Rockstar Games' Social Club account name (RGSC ID).[/*:m:3qsxnwiw] </ol> I will be keeping a roster of all those requesting to join the police department and will later publish the roster so that officers may add each other for easy access. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask directly in this thread! Just post a reply with your question(s) and a staff member will be sure to answer them. This thread is meant for both indicating that you want to join and discussing the project, so don't hesitate to post your thoughts and suggestions if you have any. :) Link to post Share on other sites
Christopher 1,393 Posted April 12, 2015 Author Share Posted April 12, 2015 Applications to the Los Santos Police Department are now closed until further notice. Link to post Share on other sites
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