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Battlefield 3 Server #19875 - PC

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The New Team of Weapons and Tactics is proud to announce the deployment of brand-new Battlefield 3 Server instance #19875, sponsored by JUnit55Cent. The professional edition PC server is equipped with extended features, to enhance the player and user experience:


  • Advanced Statistics System: Track your progress and cumulative statistics on our server, see your ranking, and more.
  • Player Report System: Easily report a player without needing to step away from your game. Though this does not substitute using our Report Center to officially file a report with evidence, it does serve as a convenient way to quickly report a player while during a game.
  • Admin Request: Quickly and easily dispatch a server administrator at anytime during a game. [Testing and final configuration in progress...]
  • Kick & Ban Voting System: Don't like a player causing trouble when there's no admin around? Fear no more - you can now initiate a kick vote or ban vote on the player with a simple command.
  • Map Voting System: In addition to being able to vote for your favorite maps and game modes on our forums, you can now vote for the next round's map and game mode directly from within the game.
  • Punish & Forgive System for Team Killers: No one likes being teamkilled but accidents do happen occasionally and now victims can be in control of those who are either trigger happy or aren't cautious enough with their aim.


In addition to all extended features of the server, all standard features that we provide --- such as PunkBuster Streaming Service Integration, a dedicated hardware platform, and failover hardware and software systems --- are all configured.


Further, we continually add extended features per user requests and available resources. So if you think our server could use a feature that it does not have, don't hesitate to suggest it to us.


We value the opinions, thoughts and preferences of all players on our servers and continually aim to provide the ultimate player and user experience by providing a stable and powerful infrastructure.




Documentation detailing the use of extended features and command are is available below. Note that a list of commands can be displayed in-game by executing !help.


[Current version: R5.1] Command Reference Documentation for Players

[Current version: R5.1] Command Reference Documentation for Server Administrators


Note to server administrators:

You must connect to the server successfully at least once, to establish a database entry for your player. Administrator privileges are then assigned (manually) after this.


PunkBuster Screenshots


For player security, Battlefield 3 Server #19875 is configured to automatically and randomly initiate screenshots of players, randomly, at random time intervals. Screenshots take approximately 2-3 minutes to process and upload on the main server and are transferred to our server every 15 minutes to the hour (eg.: 12 AM, 12:15 AM, 12:30 AM, 12:45 AM, 1 AM, 1:15 AM, etc). Screenshots are accessible only by authorized administrators and staff members and can be found in the pbss directory of each server. To access screenshots, follow the links below. (Note: Authentication is required; when prompted for your username and password, provide your system account details).


Server #19875 PunkBuster Screenshots - Screenshots for Battlefield 3 Server #19875


Primary Battlefield 3 Server Data Directory - Server data for all Battlefield 3 Servers. Servers are organized by serial number and then PunkBuster Screenshots are located in their "pbss" directory.


Screenshot Tips


PunkBuster stores the screenshots as raw image files with a "serial number" system, where each image is named by a sequential number. This might make searching for a player when there are hundreds of screenshots tedious. To simplify the process, every pbss directory comes with a pbsvss.htm file (eg.: http://teamofweaponsandtactics.com/r...bss/pbsvss.htm) which contains hyperlinked ("clickable") player names which will take you directly to the screenshot associated with that player. When multiple screenshots exist for a player, multiple links will exist. You can "filter" these by using the Find function in your browser, if supported (default key binding on PC is usually Ctrl+F).

  • For questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns: reply directly to this thread.
  • To report a server issue or outage: contact the Department of Information Technology at (415) - 335 - 9845 (we accept calls or texts)

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Re: Battlefield 3 Server #19875 - PC


Update: New Reference Documentation (version R5.1) uploaded and included in the first post.

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