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  • Communication Mediums

    Successful communication is one of the most important keys to success. Here at the New Team of Weapons and Tactics, we are continually adapting to providing new forms of communication as trends on the Internet come and go, introducing new communication mediums even while the population may sway away from others. Among many players, each player tends to have their own personal preference to which app(s) or mediums they trust and are willing to use. So at the end of the day, our mission as an organization is to provide as a variety of options to try and suit the needs of as many as possible. As such, we have a variety of methods of communication— most of which use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technologies to relay voice data over the Internet.


    Discord | https://discord.ntwt.us/

    Discord is currently one of the most popular cloud-based VoIP solutions that offers modern methods of communication. As it's a cloud service, it does require everyone to have their own account on the Discord service to use it, and any and all usage activity and messages sent through the service are subject to their terms of service and privacy policies. Feel free to use the link above to join our official Discord server. Please note that these accounts are separate from any NTWT Accounts that you might have and that the New Team of Weapons and Tactics has no control over Discord accounts.


    Instant Message Terminal System | https://www.ntwt.us/imts/

    The Instant Message Terminal System is an internal system built-in to the New Team of Weapons and Tactics website that allows everyone to chat within the confines of our website. Since this is an internal self-hosted system, it is integrated with our website and your NTWT account and any and all messages sent through the service remain private on our server systems.


    Telephone | (855)-222-9741

    For anyone who doesn't want to deal with joining any third-party services or setting up any software, we offer a simple straightforward solution that some might consider old-school— telephone service. Feel free to give us a call at anytime. We generally have at least several server administrators on standby throughout the day to assist with issues that may arise or manage reported players. Please note that this is a landline number and only accepts phone calls— SMS or MMS (text or multimedia) messages won't be received.

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