At the New Team of Weapons and Tactics, the Leonida Regional Police Service establishes fundamental laws or "gameplay guidelines" to ensure effective policing in the world of GTA Online. These guidelines aim to provide both public players and team members with an immersive experience, free from unnecessary restrictions that could detract from the virtual gaming environment.
Given the dynamic nature of GTA Online, including the introduction of flying weaponized vehicles and laser-firing weapons, our laws are designed to be adaptive, evolving over time to maintain balance within the game. Players can also cast a vote here to request a revision, amendment, or elimination of any of our laws at any time.
Please note that these laws outline the actions enforced by members of the Leonida Regional Police Service and their enforcement protocols. They are not mandatory rules for either the public or our team members to follow (for details on our code of conduct that we expect our team members to adhere to, please refer to the Code of Conduct policies).
Finally, our members of the Leonida Regional Police Service have the discretion to decide when they are on active duty, enforcing these laws, or off duty, where they do not enforce them.
List of Basic Laws and Regulations
Table of Contents
- Speeding
- Traffic Controls
- Weapons
- Vehicles
- Vehicles and Grand Theft Auto
- NPC/AI Interactions
- Environment Interactions
- Robbing of In-Game Stores
- Player Interactions
- Player Bounties
- Car Meets and Other Events
- Racing
- Modders
- Cheaters
- Verbal Abuse
- Sexual Exploitation
We do not enforce speed limits or pursue players for speeding.
However, this can lead to hazardous situations depending on the location and driving speeds. Players are fully responsible for any accidents resulting from disregarding posted speed limits. If a police service member causes an accident due to speeding while responding to a call, the department will reimburse the victims for damages, including vehicle repairs and medical expenses. If the accident occurs because a police service member was speeding without responding to a call, the officer will be personally responsible for compensating the victims for any damages, including vehicle repair costs and medical bills. If an accident is caused by anyone else, they will be held responsible for reimbursing victims for damages. Players can also simply refuse to reimburse (either because they cannot afford to or do not want to), and the police service can use its own discretion to decide what to do— either arrest the player, cite the player, or let it go.
Traffic Controls
We do not enforce traffic controls or pursue players for disobeying them. This includes, but is not limited to, traffic lights, stop signs, one-way street signs, etc.
That being said, as with speeding, violating traffic controls can cause hazardous situations depending on the location and traffic controls ignored. Players are fully responsible for any accidents resulting from disregarding posted traffic controls. As with speeding, if a police service member causes an accident due to disobeying traffic controls, the department will only reimburse the victims for damages, including vehicle repairs and medical expenses, if circumstances permit. Remember that generally emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way when responding to calls with lights and sirens. If the accident occurs because a police service member was violating traffic controls without responding to a call, the officer will be personally responsible for compensating the victims for any damages, including vehicle repair costs and medical bills. If an accident is caused by anyone else, they will be held responsible for reimbursing victims for damages. Players can also simply refuse to reimburse (either because they cannot afford to or do not want to), and the police service can use its own discretion to decide what to do— either arrest the player, cite the player, or let it go.
The police service happily supports the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms. No actions are taken against players having weapons.
Vehicles and Grand Theft Auto
Last time we checked, the name of the game is Grand Theft Auto. Thus, the police service happily supports players driving whatever vehicles they can steal off the street and have fun in whatever way they wish. However, players are able to call the police to report theft of their personal vehicle and request it back. This would authorize the police to chase the player who stole the personal vehicle in an attempt to return it to its rightful owner. If the thief returns the vehicle, no arrests or citations are necessary— but if the thief refuses, the police service is authorized to arrest or cite the player.
NPC/AI Interactions
Since the police service serves real people, players are welcome to engage in any interactions with NPCs, bots, or AI police. Shooting, blowing them up, or kidnapping them is allowed and welcome. This includes picking up any dropped items from dead NPCs such as food, cash, or weapons.
Environment Interactions
Players are free to do whatever they want to the environment, whether it's running around trying to fight off the NPC police and military, or firing rockets at random buildings.
Robbing of In-Game Stores
Since robbing of in-game stores is a legitimate method of attaining money in-game and this is primarily a crime against NPCs, we do not consider this a crime and thus it is allowed. Police will not pursue a player for robbing in-game stores.
Player Interactions
Since the police service serves real people, the majority of our laws generally pertain to having fun whilest treating real people/players with civility and respect. Acts of verbal abuse and/or violence are subject to the rules herein where police may attempt to perform an arrest or issue a citation.
Player Bounties
Here at the Leonida Regional Police Service, we treat bounties as an arrestable offense, as this is a legitimate gameplay mechanic that can be initiated by real players. Since this it is also possible to attain a bounty from comitting an act that we don't see as a violation, such as Grand Theft Auto, police personnel are advised to arrest at their own discretion and treat bounties as a minor infraction. Simply put, police are allowed to arrest to obtain the monetary award for a bounty, but are not required to or necessarily encouraged to.
Car Meets and Other Events
Unlike seemingly most police that always seem to be ruining the fun with car meets online, we love car meets! Same goes with other events of a similar layout. Knock yourself out and have fun. If resources are available, we can even try our best to provide security services for such events.
Similar to car meets and other fun events, we fully endorse players to race as they wish. Though keep in mind that as with any activities that violate traffic laws, hazardous situations can be created through these activities and result in accidents and injuries as outlined in our Speeding and Traffic Control laws.
In accordance with the official GTA Online Community Guidelines, we welcome modders in separate authorized modder-lobbies of GTA Online where officially authorized and permitted. Modding in official non-modded GTA Online sessions is frowned upon since it is against the official community guidelines, and police may cite for incidents that they witness, particularly when players who are modding are being excessively obnoxious or disruptive to other players.
Cheating of any type is a serious offense as it disrupts gameplay and gives cheaters unfair advantages. Since GTA Online is a ranked multiplayer session with statistics recorded to official servers, this gameplay setting falls under our organization's cheat and exploit policies and is strictly prohibited. Additionally, in accordance with the official GTA Online Community Guidelines, cheating is also strictly prohibited.
Police personnel reserve the right to issue citations to those caught cheating. Generally, cheaters will not be arrested, as their use of cheats often makes them invincible. Cheaters who are killed or targeted can become easily aggravated and violent, leading to innocent players being kicked or even crashed from their game.
Unfortunately, aside from issuing citations, there is little our police personnel can do. They are not authorized to use cheats or exploits, as this is prohibited by our cheat and exploit policies and the official GTA Online Community Guidelines. As regular players, their power is limited.
We recommend keeping up to date on crime statistics by visiting our website, where we regularly update the public with recent arrests, discovered cheaters, and more. Use this information to avoid potential conflicts when encountering cheaters.
Verbal Abuse
Verbal abuse or other forms of harassment are strictly discouraged. Police may voluntarily attempt to arrest individuals for such behavior if the situation is deemed serious enough. While it may seem trivial to arrest someone for verbal abuse, any form of abuse is taken seriously as it detracts from the gaming experience. Remember, abuse is no joke and not enjoyable for anyone involved. Please sit back, relax, and have fun— it’s a video game after all!
Sexual Exploitation
Sexual exploitation of any kind is a very serious offense and is treated with utmost sincerety at the Leonida Regional Police Service. Crimes of this nature include solicitation of anyone, including minors, and production of child pornography. Anyone who attempts to induce, entice, or persuade a minor (anyone under the age of 18) to engage in a sexual act for auditory purposes, texts, emails, pictures, or videos will be considered guilty of sexual exploitation and citated as such. Players cited for this reason may be published to the Leonida Sex Offender Registry.
Complete Violation List and Offense Levels
While the List of Basic Laws and Regulations above shows all the main basic laws that we govern by, filing reports through our internal database system uses a specific set of violations and violation codes that correspond to a particular offense. For reference, the table below shows a list of all the violations supported by our internal database and a corresponding description to aid the public with reading public arrest or citation statistics. Please note that not all violations here are considered offenses by our department, but are included but they are listed for sake of completion and transparency.
(Coming soon)