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  • Regional Police Service
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    Leonida Regional Police Service

    Here at the New Team of Weapons and Tactics, the Leonida Regional Police Service continues the tradition of providing a number of community and public safety services to the sprawling community of players in the world of Grand Theft Auto Online throughout the region of Leonida. The roots of this tradition date back to mid-2008 with the Liberty City Police Department which provided the very same services in Liberty City for Grand Theft Auto IV.

    Unlike the numerous police-based clans that typically operate in a "roleplay" fashion—where environments are tightly controlled, regulated, and often scripted with distinct teams for police and civilians—the police departments here at the New Team of Weapons and Tactics serves the actual global community of players engaged in unrestricted, public freemode sessions in GTA Online.

    This means our police personnel interact with real players who see no boundaries and contend with some of the most dangerous criminals known to exist. Unlike with most roleplay clans, there are no special separations or protections afforded to our police personnel; just like in real life, they are indistinguishable from any other player within the game. This means our officers must rely on advanced training, tactics, experience, and teamwork to ensure the safety of themselves, their team, and most importantly, the community we serve.


    Why We Exist

    Since the introduction of online multiplayer in Grand Theft Auto IV (2008), the vast open-world environments of Liberty City and Los Santos have offered players an unparalleled level of freedom. Unlike traditional games confined to small, linear maps, GTA’s online world provided limitless opportunities for exploration, creativity, and fun. This innovation was groundbreaking at the time and remains a key factor in the enduring popularity of GTA Online, even after more than a decade of the Grand Theft Auto V-era.

    Within this expansive online world, players engage in a wide variety of activities—whether racing across the map, roleplaying, or simply enjoying the immersive scenery while listening to their favorite tunes. However, alongside these diverse playstyles, we have continuously observed instances of player griefing—where individuals or groups relentlessly target others through unwarranted attacks, be it through excessive gunfire, explosives, or aerial assaults. While some players are able to defend themselves, not all have the means or resources to do so. The in-game police, governed by AI, offer little to no assistance; in fact, they often exacerbate the situation by aggressively targeting victims who attempt to defend themselves.

    This is where the Leonida Regional Police Service steps in. Following in the footsteps of its predecessors, the Los Santos Police Department in GTA Online and the Liberty City Police Department in GTA IV, the Leonida Regional Police Service is committed to fostering a more enjoyable and balanced experience for the GTA Online community. Unlike traditional roleplaying clans, we do not impose unrealistic or restrictive enforcement policies. Our approach is centered on protecting and supporting players rather than penalizing them for in-game activities.

    We recognize that GTA Online is designed around criminal enterprises, and we do not interfere with gameplay elements such as transporting illicit goods or engaging in high-speed pursuits. However, when players attempting to conduct their business are unfairly targeted—whether by griefers, hostile NPCs, or heavily armed opponents—we intervene to ensure fair play and a better gaming experience. Our mission is not to disrupt but to enhance the enjoyment of the GTA community.

    For nearly two decades, we have upheld this tradition, and we intend to continue our service into the next generation of GTA Online through the streets, waters, and skies of Leonida. Beyond protective services, we offer welfare checks, transport assistance, medical aid, and other community-oriented initiatives. Unlike closed and controlled roleplay groups, we operate publicly and fairly, without special privileges or incentives—our motivation comes solely from our commitment to making GTA Online a better place for all players.


    Our Mission and Culture

    At the Leonida Regional Police Service, our mission is rooted in a deep commitment to the communities we serve. We recognize the significant challenges and criticisms that law enforcement agencies face in today's world—many of which stem from valid concerns. Issues such as officers lacking comprehensive knowledge of the laws they enforce, or the troubling instances of double standards, where law enforcement personnel are treated differently than the citizens they are sworn to protect, have rightly drawn public scrutiny.

    At the Leonida Regional Police Service, we hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards. Our zero-tolerance policy ensures that our personnel are not only well-versed in the laws and regulations they are tasked with upholding but are also held accountable for their actions, just as any member of the public would be. There is no room for special treatment or leniency when it comes to misconduct within our ranks. Violations of our policies are met with serious consequences, ranging from disciplinary actions under our rigorous three-strike system to immediate termination for the most egregious offenses.

    We understand that maintaining the integrity of our force requires vigilance and transparency. To this end, our parent organization, the New Team of Weapons and Tactics, plays a vital role in overseeing and monitoring our staff. But our commitment to accountability doesn't stop there. We actively encourage the public to assist us in our mission by reporting any violations they witness involving our personnel. Our user-friendly report system empowers citizens to hold us accountable, and our personnel verifier tool allows anyone to confirm whether a player is a current member of our team.

    In addition to law enforcement, we are dedicated to providing a broader range of public safety and civil services. Our officers are trained to assist in areas such as transportation, fire rescue, and emergency medical aid. This multi-faceted approach is a testament to our unwavering dedication to the well-being of the public. We believe that our service should not only protect but also support the communities we serve, embodying the values of trust, integrity, and compassion in every action we take.

    Our mission goes beyond enforcement; it is about building trust, fostering safety, and ensuring that every individual we serve feels protected and respected. The Leonida Regional Police Service is committed to being a beacon of excellence in law enforcement, dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and service.


    Former Department Names/Aliases

    During the early stages of provisioning the department and prior to the Leonida Regional Police Service name being chosen as the final name of our department, we had been known under the following different names:

    • Leonida Regional State Police
    • Leonida State Police
    • Leonida Police Department
    • Vice-Madison Metro Police
    • Vice City Metropolitan Police

    These names were ultimately scrapped in favor of the Leonida Regional Police Service name which better described our department's vision and coverage of the entire region of Leonida rather than specific cities or counties.


    Web Presence & Domains

    Because the Leonida Regional Police Service is a department operated under the New Team of Weapons and Tactics, its website ultimately operates within the parent organization's domain, www.ntwt.us, with its homepage living at https://www.ntwt.us/games/gta/o/lrps. It can also be accessed through our ShortLink™ System via www.ntwt.us/go/lrps.

    Additionally, to mark our presence better on the Internet as a whole, the following domains are registered to the Leonida Regional Police Service and can also be used to access our website:

    • www.leonidaregionalpoliceservice.com
    • www.leonidastatepolice.com
    • www.leonidaregionalstatepolice.com

    Accessing our website via any of these domains will ultimately direct users to the normal department homepage living at https://www.ntwt.us/games/gta/o/lrps. The domains listed above and URLs shown in this section (including all sub-URLs of said pages) are the ONLY official web addresses utilized by the Leonida Regional Police Service here at the New Team of Weapons and Tactics— any other site is a scam.

    Should anyone come across another website using our name or logos, we ask that they kindly report this to us.


    Important Notes Regarding Our Services

    Given the nature of the video-game setting, there are notable differences and aspects worth mentioning that diverge from real-life, which have raised concerns or curiosity among some individuals.

    Public Databases and Statistics

    In our ongoing commitment to public safety, certain areas of our site may feature recent statistics on arrests, citations, and more. We also maintain a dedicated Sex Offender Registry, which is automatically updated whenever players are caught engaging in activities such as rape, incest, and offenses involving children and sex. Unlike traditional sex offender registries, which require offenders to self-register, our registry is updated in real-time following any arrest or citation, ensuring the public has access to the most current information.

    Arrests and Citations

    As we operate within a video game, there is no judicial process wherein a judge reviews each case to decide on convictions or dismissals. An in-game arrest involves killing a player, and this action cannot be undone. Consequently, it is impossible to physically "undo" an arrest. Unfortunately, as in real life, mistakes can occur, and innocent players may be arrested. Such incidents may result from false reports by witnesses or officer negligence during firearm discharge, among other reasons.

    While we do not excuse these mistakes, it is important to remember that errors are inevitable in any endeavor involving human judgment, particularly in scenarios requiring split-second decisions, as is often the case in police work. That said, arrests and citations made in error are generally not filed, or they are voided if already filed by the time the error is recognized. Our public information databases, including the Sex Offender Registry, will not display voided arrests or citations.


    Anyone who wishes to make any inquiries regarding our records, such as an arrest or citation that we have made, to either express concern or contest charges may do so by filing a Records Inquisition Request.





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