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Revised Forum Ranking System

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In order to better serve the community with a more friendly and customizable system, we have deprecated the imminent use of Forum Ranks (the pre-defined titles that appear under your name).

Forum Ranks often create an artificial situation where people with more numbers are given more kudos than those with fewer numbers. There is no increase in quality, intelligence, or anything else, in the users' posts -- just more of them. By deprecating this system, we wish to encourage that the quality of peoples posts are ranked on their content, and not on their board ranking.

The ranks otherwise tend to serve no purpose other than creating an artificial pecking order on the site. If anything, we're all for meritocracy of posters rather than a random assignation of points based on how long they have been on a board, which is why we've decided to deprecate them.

Instead, the new system works -- post requirements primarily to prevent spam -- as follows:

  • Users with 2 posts or less are automatically marked as "Newly Registered Users"
  • Users with 3 posts or more are automatically marked as "Registered Users" and
  • Users with 3 posts or more can also customize their titles
    . Not customizing them will display the standard "Registered Users".
  • A number of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 pips (the dots) appear with minimum posts of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, and 50, respectively.


As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

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