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Final Updates

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Well, as some of you may have noticed some slow speeds recently in our website, there were some back-end issues that eventually caused these slow speeds. I've had this server for a little over a year now and admittedly, I haven't kept track of everything I've done to it (so to speak). So the software on this machine is kind of all over the place and scripts that I've written are somewhat scattered around the server's filesystem. Anyway, long story short, finding the problem would be a tedious and virtually impossible task for one person (me) to do, so instead of wasting precious time, I will be performing a complete reinstall of the server. All programs, files, and other data will be wiped out permanently and we'll start fresh. Of course, I will have to backup some important files and whatnot, such as scripts and other small programs that I've written which could take a while. I will not likely backup any data relating to LCUD or LSUD; though if I do, I surely won't restore them once the process is complete. This really doesn't involve anything on your end as users, but that's what's going on right now. The backup process will take a while, just as the reinstall process will. Until everything is done, our forums will stay on this temporary server. It may or may not be faster, though technically speaking, it should be slower since there's less resources such as RAM and less CPUs installed on the server. But hey, it's a temporary server and it'll get the job done.



Another important update to our forums is our forum software. I must say, surprisingly, I'm quite dissapointed with IP.Board (our current forum software). While it's got create elements that make up the beautiful cosmetics and fluid visual effects, it lacks in customization of security and a stable permissions system. Though I love it for providing such a fluent place for people to customize their profiles and whatnot, it's simply not sustainable for a dedicated, secure, and growing community. As a result, we will be using a different forum software when the reinstall is complete and everything is migrated. Sadly, it lacks in visual effects and cosmetics, but nonetheless, it makes up in security and stability. Since the software we will be using is not compatible with IP.Board (and could cause serious issues even if it was), the new forum will start out fresh. Our current forums (once the time comes) will be closed and archived and will be accessible through a separate URL which will be published when the time comes. That way, you'll still be able to visit the old forums and view old discussion threads, but you won't be able to reply to them since they'll be closed. In this manner, you'll be able (and allowed to) continue past discussions on our new forum by creating a topic and referring the URL to the old topic.



That said, I will manually create all user accounts from scratch, and will do so only for official members and staff (including Auxiliary). You will have to reset your password since passwords on the server are not stored in plain-text. But once this is done, all normal operations can resume.


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