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Warning: Advanced Firewall Configured

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I just want to let everyone know that I've installed and configured an advanced firewall into our mainframe server. The purpose is generally to keep the server secure and also prevent DDoS attacks where possible. Please note that the firewall is strict and in high-security mode. Thus, pinging and accessing the server a few hundred times will result in your IP address being banned.


So, that said, with the nature of this firewall being so highly secure, it might need some tweaks. If our site becomes inaccessible to you for an extended period of time (at least 24 hours), please email me with your name and IP address so that I can check the server logs and handle it.


Thanks. :)

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Re: Warning: Advanced Firewall Configured


I do want to apologize for the downtime of the website on August 10, 2013. It was caused by a firewall error which caused all incoming and outgoing connections from the server to be blocked. Unfortunately, as my home IP was somewhere in the a global whitelist, I did not know of the issue until I was out 7 hours away from home. I was out the whole day with only intermittent 3G mobile data network access and was blocked out of the server by all means, due to the firewall. So though the server was online, most of you got denied access to the website simply due to the firewall. I did finally find a fix to the issue, so hopefully all should be fine now.


Once again, sorry about the inconvenience. :)

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