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October 2014 Community Forums Migration & Upgrade

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The New Team of Weapons and Tactics is proud to announce the completion of our

October 2014 Community Forums

migration. We've moved to an entirely new infrastructure in efforts to provide both a more in-depth and pleasurable member and user experience. This migration was made possible solely by


, owner and founder of the

Official Gaming Clan



) and (one of the) systems administrators on our forums.


Security Notice & Password Resets

For security reasons and due to the differences in security protocols and policies used to secure user passwords between the different platforms, user passwords were obfuscated during the transfer and migration process. For this reason, all members of our Community Forums will have to reset their passwords order to login for the first time. The password reset procedure is as follows:


<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">[*]Click the following link: http://forum.teamofweaponsandtactics.com/lostpw

[*]In the foregoing-opened page or tab, enter your email address and complete the image verification captcha and click Submit.

[*]Check your email for an email from "no-reply@teamofweaponsandtactics.com" titled NTWT Community Forums.

[*]Click on the link provided to initiate the password reset.

[*]Check your inbox for a new email containing a randomly-generated password that you can then use to login to our Community Forums.

[*]Once you have logged in to our Community Forums, you can change your password to whatever you'd like by clicking on your username at the top right, User Settings > Account and filling out the current password and new password fields appropriately. Be sure to scroll down the page and click the Save Changes button to apply your new password.

</ol> An email was dispatched to all registered users of our Community Forums informing them of the migration and the need to reset their password

in order to regain access to the system. This is the official announcement referred to in the aforementioned email; follow the instructions above to reset your password.


Data Migration & Loss

Most data from our previous forum installment was migrated into the new system. As with many migrations, especially between different software, there is commonly a small amount of data loss. Such also applies with our migration:


  • Certain profile fields were not transferred.
  • Some BBCodes were obfuscated due to software incompatibilities, resulting in odd results with such cases.

There may be additional undiscovered data issues that are not listed above. We ask for everyone's patience and cooperation as we work to eliminate such issues and appreciate any reports should you find one or more issue(s).



With the major differences between the systems, no permissions were carried over and instead, all permissions needed to be manually redone and reapplied. Due to busy schedules at this time, we've been forced to rush through the foregoing process. As such, please do not hesitate to let us know if you experience any issues with features that you feel could be related to improperly configured permissions.



The New Team of Weapons and Tactics is hard at work to ensure a unique experience for its members. We appreciate your input and feedback so that we may continually improve our platform and services. Feel free to reply with your comments, suggestions, or any issues that you might have.

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Updates & Fixes

Any and all issues found and/or reported are listed below, along with their status. Issues labeled as low-priority will be fixed "in due time"; that is, other issues will be fixed first and additionally, further testing will continue before solving low-priority labeled issues.

<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">[*][October 20, 2014]: Found and had reported an issue involving an error in failed logins. (Fixed; see #2 for details)

[*][October 20, 2014]: Found an issue with certain content to be obfucscated (such as huge fonts, descriptions, etc). This issue has been labeled as low-priority.

[*][October 21, 2014]: Fixed an issue involving failed logins throwing an additional error: "Error API Error; Error: badlogin_strikes_passthru Args: ..."

[*][October 21, 2014]: Found an issue with missing smilies. This issue has been labeled as low-priority.

[*][November 25, 2014]: Fixed issue with links not working properly while not logged in.


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